CPR Training

The North Shelby Fire District offers CPR classes for residents of our fire district. We also provide CPR classes for businesses within district boundaries. The cost is $30 per person. These classes will be taught on the second and fourth Mondays of each month if there is enough participation.

For more information you can e-mail Lieutenant Mike Seales. sealesm@northshelbyfire.com

Child Safety Seat Installation

The North Shelby Fire District offers Child Safety Seat Installation and instruction at Fire Station # 1, 4617 Valleydale Rd. Please call to set up a time (205) 991-6439.

The Yellow Dot Program

Citizens and First Responders Working Together to Preserve The “Golden Hour” of Emergency Care.

The Yellow Dot Program was created to assist citizens during automobile accidents when they might not be able to communicate for themselves.

Pick up your packet at North Shelby Fire Station #1, 4617 Valleydale Rd.
(205) 991-6439 Alabama Yellow Dot Program video.

Check your smoke detectors and change the battery twice a year.

All North Shelby Fire Stations are a Safe Place for Children of Abuse.

NFPA injury prevention program